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Monday, October 22, 2007

Nobby's Jammin' Now!

Now there's a sight I thought I would never see - Mark Noble's ugly mug on my blog! I just noticed that the poor fella has aged since this picture was taken. Not surprising I suppose given the job that he has been in for the last year but it could also be due to the fact that he's smiling in the above photo - that doesn't happen very often! However, on friday night last the Nobster was VERY happy indeed and I am delighted to bring you the news that Mark picked up the PPI award for best music driven show. It's a fantastic achievement for the shy Roadhog assistant that I met for the first time almost 10 years ago and his success is proof that if you put the work in you will get to where you want to. Many congratulations Nobby!

A special mention must go to the main mover and shaker behind our pitch to the PPI's, Andy Matthews. For those of you not familiar with the process of the awards, the work behind the submission of entries starts many months before the event itself and knowing what exactly the panel of judges expect is a knack in itself. In fact, so successful have we been in the last few years it's not been unknown for other radio stations to approach our Andy for some tips on winning more awards. Andy's expertise in knowing what to submit and what category to submit it to has worked well for us since the competition began and if you don't believe me, check out the cabinet in our boardroom that is full to the brim of awards from years past. We were unlucky to just pick up the one award this time around but if I know Andy I'll bet he's already working on next years gameplan.

Roll on next year!