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Friday, October 12, 2007

I Hate Drunks!

I do a few gigs outside of FM104, the pay is good and it's nice to be able to see real people instead of just studio walls. The downs are few but dealing with drunks never bothered me.... until last night.

So it was early in the night and I'm standing around waiting for the crowd to - hopefully - come in. A regular punter was one of the first to arrive and he made his way over to the dj box to say hello. It was his birthday so I politely wished him many happy returns and agreed to play a Depeche Mode song. He made his way back to his friends and I continued doing what I was doing. Around 5 minutes later he came back over and asked for Depeche Mode again and I replied that I hadn't forgotten about him and was just waiting for an appropriate moment in which to play them.

5 Minutes later he was back and this time he wanted to know if I had listened to the new James Blunt album, My answer was no. Well, his look was almost accusing me of commiting the biggest crime against music since Lucie Silvas covered Metallica's "Nothing Else Matters". I din't particularly like the last Blunt album so I'm in no rush to listen to his latest offering. Then he asked me did I attend the last Depeche Mode gig in June. I didn't. "Is James Blunt coming here soon" he asks. Yes, I believe he's coming here next year, was my reply. Well it would appear that James Blunt has acquired his first stalker for next years Dublin date. And, according to Mr. drunk stalker, the promoter was going to give him free tickets. We're all jealous!

It was only in the last few weeks that I had a conversation about drunk people repeating themselves. I was about to experience it for myself. Is James Blunt coming to Dublin soon/did you listen to his album/ did you go to see Depeche Mode in June? Eh, didn't he already ask me all these questions? It was going to be one of those nights and all because of birthday boy! As my blood begins to rise he then asks "do you listen to Ray Darcy?" Now this guy apparently knows who I am but never listens to FM104 yet knows what time my show runs from. "How can I listen when I'm on air the same time he is?" is my reply. By this time I think he's guessed that he is going to be on the recieving end of a black eye if he loiters around the dj box for any longer. Once again he asks for "The Mode" and reminds me to listen to the new James Blunt album. Oh, and apparently not listening to Darcy is also a crime. I'll just turn myself in at the nearest Cop Shop, shall I?

Now I apologise if I appear to have been rude to the guy but I always try to be as pleasant as is possible to punters but, sometimes, my tolerance level is zero. As was the case last night.

At least I have this blog as My therapy so expect some more rants over the next few weeks and months!:-)