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Monday, October 08, 2007

What I did Today.

So, the reason I stuck Bengy Murray in at the deep end today is the above ; my unborn child.

Myself and herself made our way to Holles Street hospital today for our first scan and as you can see, he or she is developing just fine:-)

We were in two minds whether to find out the sex of the baby and the debate raged on right up until we arrived at the hospital but in the end we decided to wait so roll on March 7th!

We have a "lazy baby" on our hands as we were told by the consultant trying frantically to get a bit of movement from the little one but eventually it moved from it's comfort zone and gave it's proud parents a first glimpse of it's beautiful self. Yes, it was hard to keep the tears in before you ask:-)

We're looking forward to the 4D scan next month which will give an even clearer picture of our new arrival, provided baby is in the mood of us looking:-)