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Thursday, October 04, 2007

What is it about sweets? You produce a packet of Starburst or Malteasers and offer some to whoever is in your company and their face lights up! Unfortunately I've never grown out of the taste myself and can never resist the temptation to include a packet of Cola Frosties or what ever chocolate bar tickles my fancy when getting the bread and milk in at the local Centra:-)

Recently our own Mel Byrne has been leaving me gifts of sweets. Yesterday she left me some Fizzlesticks with sherbet dip and when I announced on air that I had just polished off a few packets of the stuff, the texts started rolling in and the phone ringing at reception! Now, can anybody tell me where you can but these sugary delights? I, and My listeners, would dearly love to know where they can be purchased! In the meantime I'm going to get Mel to pick me up a few boxes from her 'dealer' and as soon as I get them I will pass them on to the Bugs for delivery to as many of our sweet toothed listeners as possible.

Keep an ear out over the next few days as the 10 - 3 show Fizzle Stick Revival kicks the Wispa bar revivals ass!!!:-)