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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Shop Around For Your Petrol!

My blood boils every time I pass the notorious Statoil garage on the quays, I'm sure you know the one I am talking about. As soon as there is a sniff of petrol and diesel prices going up, they increase their price by 5 cent. Of course they would have already bought their fuel at the previous price but hey, who cares! Funny thing is the garage in question was one of the cheapest in Dublin 3 years ago. I lived in Islandbridge for a year and used to fill up there all the time! So I don't believe the story they put around that it's down to their suppliers as to why their prices are so high.

Anyway, my reason for mentioning this is that a website has been brought to my attention recently that lists the cheapest garages around the country for petrol and diesel. Shopping around for your fuel may seem pointless to some but why should you give greedy bastards like the Statoil crowd on the Quays any more of your hard earned money than you should have to?