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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

D-day for L Drivers Is Coming...

Over the last few days I have had quite a few emails about the changes to the laws regarding learner drivers and to the best of my memory, I haven't even mentioned it on the show since the story broke. But given that this is such a contentious issue, I guess those it affects are looking for any platform in which to vent their anger.

Whilst my immediate reacion upon hearing the news was "about time" I'm hardly qualified to take the moral high ground as I myself drove on a provisional licence for many years, only doing a test when I was required to - and I failed. But I wasn't concerned about the result because it meant sfa to me.... I could still drive my car unnaffected by my lack of effort in the test. Yes, I was lazy but one day something inside me snapped and I became hell bent on getting my full licence. I studied learn to drive videos, I took pre tests and read the rules of the road front to back umpteen times over. I even took a week off work in order to ensure I passed! And, I did.

If a lazy so and so like me can pass the test then anybody can. I don't buy all this "oh I get so nervous during the test" that I have read in the papers in the last few days. Everyone has taken the easy way out up to now by getting a few driving lessons - some didn't even bother to do this - and take to the road thinking that we know it all. And we wonder why our driving skills are continuously being called into question?

So, this is the kick in the arse that was given to be getting passed on down the line to you ; TAKE THE TEST!

Now all you have to do is get a date. Sorry, can't help you there.