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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Surf Baby Surf!!!

A useful website for those of you that like to vent their anger and frustration online, here's the press release... is a new website developed by entrepreneur Samantha Kotey to give Ireland a place to complain. Just recently launched, the success of the website has been phenomenal with 50,000 hits received in the first week. With various different categories on all areas of life people can pick and choose what annoys them the most and rant to their hearts content. The categories are People, Money, Transport, Government, Technology, Work, Socialising, Weather and Entertainment. There is also the opportunity to text in pictures and videos to aid the stories published on the site.In addition to this, a forum is available whereby replies can be made to certain complaints. Whether you agree or disagree the forum is a place where people can bond over similar experiences or disagree vehemently with their complaining counterparts.The design of the site originates from walls stained from graffiti and toilet doors emblazoned in insults. The ‘wailing wall’ consists of bricks, each brick can be used as a voice for companies so they too can do their own complaining. On the design, Samantha Kotey comments,“ I was walking about town thinking of an idea for design when I noticed a wall covered in graffiti and insults, I thought it would be the perfect backdrop to a website dedicated to giving out”Check out to see what the Irish voices are screaming about and to join the rising give out about squad headed by ageing wizard Victor. Each week Victor encounters an experience to add to ‘Victors Daily Disasters’.