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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Do Your Bit For Charideeee!

To Whom it May Concern,

Hi my name is Stephen Pender from the Dublin Fire Brigade, I am on the board of the charity SOS (Suicide or Survive). On Saturday the 29th July we are organizing an event in which approximately 25 teams of four will have to complete four challenges on the DART line in any order in the quickest time.

The four challenges are:

Climb Bray Head
Assault course in Fairview park
Get your feet wet at seapoint
Karaoke song at Dun Laoghaire harbour

It costs 200 euro a team, and sponsorship cards are available from Stephen at 086-8111176.

The event starts and finishes at MacTurcaills pub , Tara Street, party after event finishes , great prizes to be won.

It would be much appreciated if you could publicize this event on your radio station.

Suicide or Survive's (SOS) primary aim is suicide prevention. We intend to achieve this aim through the provision of a small group programme for people who have either attempted suicide or have suicidal ideation. We also aim to provide subsidised counselling and psychotherapy for anyone affected by suicide including family members, friends and the wider community.

Thank you for your kind support.

Stephen Pender

Sounds like a good day out for a worthy cause to me.