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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Go On Tha Nash.... or rather goodbye tha Nash:-(

It is with deep regret that I report the departure of Noel 'Nash Ballyer' Dunphy from the Playhouse Nightclub In Tallaght:-(

Nash joined us midway through 1999 and departs for a new career in..... well I'm not sure yet and, if the truth be known, neither is he!

I'll miss him big time mainly due to the fact that I'll have to go thirsty now because I'll have no one to run to the vending machine for me during the night, and the hip hop fanatics will miss his warm up diet of 50 Cent/Snoop/50 Cent/The
Game and 50 Cent:-)

One of the nicest and most genuine guys I've
ever had the pleasure of working it, I wish him
much success in the future.