The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Monday, July 10, 2006

On Yer Bike With The 10 - 3 Show!:-)

This should brighten up your monday! Every day this week we have 5 Raleigh Metro bikes to give away, compliments of The Dublin City Cycle.

The Dublin City Cycle is a fun cycle open to people of all ages and fitness levels and will pedal off from Mayor Square in the Dublin Docklands for 10km through the newly revamped docklands area and then through the streets of Dublin on Wednesday July 19th at 7.30pm. You can register on line at or you can participate on the night without pre registering.

Now , you may be a seasoned pro cyclist or like me, a big kid longing to relive those long summer days of cycling to every corner of Dublin when your parents thought you were playing football with your mates around the corner from your house (yes dad, I was really up at the Marley Park BMX track and not around the corner in Galtymore Park:-) Eitherway, I'm sure you wouldn't say no to a brand new shiny Raleigh Metro and one of these bad boys could be yours.

You have two ways of doing this - either enter the usual way by texting your answer to 53104 or email or you could take the easy option......:-) Get the daily key word from my blog and blag your way into the draw! Which means that you don't have to go to the trouble of working out what movie I am talking about. Yes, I am the lazy persons best friend!

Todays keyword is.... Wheels

Get to it!!!!
