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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Case Of History Repeating Itself....

You know the way something passes over you and then comes back to you later? Bear with me for a few moments please.....

I took my five and a half year old son to visit my dad recently and while we were there my dad asked for a lift to his local, which I agreed to. When my son heard that we were giving his Grandad a lift to the pub, he turned to me and said "aw can he not get the bus or walk?" I was a bit shocked and embarrassed as you could imagine so I turned to my son and said "no, we're giving your grandad a lift so don't be cheeky" My dad looked at me and laughed and I knew exactly why he was laughing! I was the cheekiest little git you could meet when I was my sons age and to be honest, nothing has changed:-) I could see my dad reminsicing at that moment, thinking about the many times he had told me not to be cheeky. Now I understand my parents frustration but it's cute in it's own way too. I'm sure my outlook will be different when he reaches his teens:-)

I had forgotten about this little incident and for some reason it just came back to me last night, so I had to share it with you - especially for those of you who are parents. For those of you who arent't..... it's all ahead of you!:-)
