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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Lighten Up Stan!

I hate sour grapes! Therefore when I saw the front page of yesterdays Sun newspaper where Steve Staunton refused to wish Giovanni Trappatoni and the Ireland football team luck in the fortcoming world cup qualifiers, I saw red.

Staunton's reign as Ireland manager will go down as possibly the biggest farce in Irish football history and he STILL refuses to admit fault for it! And to now deny his good wishes to the team and it's new manager won't help his cause one bit. Then again, he's had more mud slung at him over the last few years I doubt any of it sticks to him. Oh but he's not to blame!!!? Is he not now!!!!!!!!!!

Staunton was given the opportunity of a lifetime - to manage his country's national football team AND with NO previous management experience! It's not as if there was any shortage of interested applicants either and all had relevant experience, enough to justify getting an interview at least from the F.A.I. Instead, John Delaney decided to take a gamble on a rookie. Staunton wasn't without his achievements ; fondly remembered by Liverpool fans and a major player in the golden days of Big Jack's squad and into the McCarthy era, I'm sure Delaney was looking at his appointment through rose tinted spectacles with visions of headlines in the newspapers reading 'Delaney's Masterstroke' etc. I doubt J.D could bring himself to even cast a fleeting at the headlines in Stan's latter days as he passed the paper stand in his local Spar.

Masterstroke it was not and Delaney lived to tell the tale, or rather not as I doubt very much the Stan debacle figues much in his after dinner speeches. Whether his appointment of Trappatoni is the much sought after 'masterstroke' that he so needs to restore his much maligned reputation remains to be seen. We're about to find out though.

Anyway, I degress.....

Staunton bemoans the fact that Delaney "hung him out to dry" by giving him the opportunity to manage Ireland. He has some cheek! I wouldn't have a lot of time for Delaney and his methods but the fact that he gave Staunton the most important job in Irish football is admirable, especially given his lack of experience. It's high time he took responsibility for his failings and learnt from his mistakes. If he doesn't he'll be out of Leeds quicker than he can say "We play better in March" He should be aware that Leeds chairman Ken Bates doesn't suffer fools!

I hate to be going on about this as I had enough of the likes of the Evening Herald's Paul Hyland bleating on ad nausea about the whole sorry mess for months but yesterdays Story in The Sun touched a nerve.

You are still Irish, aren't you Stan? Then get behind your former team like the rest of us!