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Monday, September 01, 2008

Sad Day:-(

Why the 'Sad Day' in the subject of this post? I'll explain...

My wife went back to work today after being on maternity leave for the last 6 months, resulting in us putting our 5 and a half month little boy into our local creche..... and we're heartbroken.

I wasn't sure if Jen was going to go back to work after having Darragh in march, she had indicated that she didn't want to once she had given birth and that was fine with me. But, in these worrying times of uncertainty and with my job not exactly being the most secure in the world, she decided - with a heavy heart - to go back. We've been dreading this day for the last few weeks and it finally arrived this morning. And just after they left I arrived downstairs to the kitchen to find that Jen had forgotten to take Darragh's beloved Iggle Piggle teddy with her. Panic!!! Luckily I managed to catch her and pass on his best buddy - he wouldn't have been best pleased if Iggle wasn't coming along for the adventure:-)

To be honest, and I'm not being old fashioned here, I'm hoping that Jen will decide that she'd rather stay home with Darragh and pack in her job. She's taken so well to motherhood and I know it's breaking her heart to be leaving him for so long during the day. And if you're a working parent I'm sure you know all about creche costs which are almost like a second mortgage!

I'll let you know how things went tomorrow:-)
