The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

He's Back!

David Blaine, the magician …no, illusionist … no - eh - that guy who does stupid pointless “stunts” nobody cares about - is preparing for a new stunt - he will hang upside down above New York's Central Park for three days and two nights. Blaine will be deprived of food as he is suspended six stories up on a wire. He will even be forced to sleep upside down. He recently made history by holding his breath for more than 17 minutes - and is this year preparing to attempt to break the world record for sleep deprivation…

I don't even want to think about the logistics of going to the bathroom like that.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Be Careful!

If you're a car owner read below.....

Notice on car (not a joke)

Just last weekend on Friday night we parked in a public parking area. As
we drove away I noticed a sticker on the rear window of the car. When I
took it off after I got home, it was a receipt for petrol. Luckily my
friend told me not to stop as it could be someone waiting for me to get
out of the car. Then we received this email yesterday:

.. You walk across the car parking , unlock your car and get inside. You
start the engine and shift into Reverse.
When you look into the rearview mirror to back out of your parking space,
you notice a piece of paper stuck to the middle of the rear window. So,
you shift into neutral, unlock your doors, and jump out of your car to
remove that paper (or whatever it is) that is obstructing your view. When
you reach the back of your car, that is when the carjackers appear out of
nowhere, jump into your car and take off. They practically mow you down
as they speed off in your car.

And guess what, ladies? I bet your bag is still in the car. So now the
carjacker has your car, your home address, your money, and your keys.
Your home and your whole identity are now compromised!

If you see a piece of paper stuck to your back window, just drive away.
Remove it later.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

She Wouldn't.....Would She?

So Jade Goody has been diagnosed with cancer. As much as I dislike her and all she stands for my heart sank when I read the news in mondays papers. It must be the most devastating news any human being has to absorb in their lifetime - I certainly hope that neither I or any of my family have to endure it.

I'll be honest with you, for a brief moment I thought to myself that maybe this was another one of her publicity grabbing stunts. After all she has built a career for herself out of the car crash world of reality tv and Z celeb magazines that report on every fart that Jade and her fellow attention craving empty vessels make. But I quickly dismissed my doubts and convinced myself that no one, not even Jade would bluff about something as serious as cancer. Or would she?

It would seem that the world of entertainment shared my doubts and if this is all an elaborate hoax then the movers and shakers of the reality tv world should be ashamed of themselves for dragging the whole sordid mess so far down the gutter that an individual should feel that the only way they can garner the love attention and money they crave from the public is to lie about a life threatening deadly illness like cervical cancer.

I do however agree with the sentiments of her publicist Max Clifford and I hope that she makes a full recovery.

Perhaps now her cretin of a mother will finally pull through and give her daughter the support that she needs.


Monday, August 18, 2008

I Don't Know.... FM104's Triple Decker

Sooooo, since were down to just one voice on the Triple Decker I'll get the 'guesses' thread going again. Check back daily to see who has been guessed for voice 3!

Kevin Costner
David Schwimmer
Robert Downey Jnr
Stephen Gately
John Cusack
Kelsey Grammer
Albert Brooks
Dennis Hopper
Jack Black
Tom Hanks
Jack Black
Ronan Keating
Heath Ledger
Brendan Frasier
Adam Sandler
Jeff Bridges
Christian Slater

Next Round Is Worth 670 euro!

Good To Be Back!

I was only thinking while I was off that in the 7 years that I have been doing the 10-3 show, I'd never taken more than a week off at a time. I guess getting married warrants a 2 week break so I went and did it and it was great!

I understand now why people say it is the most important and happiest day of your life - it is!

I'm pleased to say that everything went according to plan and myself and the wife (tee hee) and our guests had a ball. And we got a nice colour on our honeymoon in Cancun:-)

Thanks so much to all of you for your good wishes and to The Boss G for covering the show and for the 2 second silence to mark the passing of my single status! There's no limit to the mans creative ability!:-)
