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Monday, March 10, 2008

Hello Hello, I'm At A Place Called Vertigo!

So yesterday afternoon myself and herself had a day out in Dublin City Centre, a rare treat these days what with us living in Kildare. We decided to go to the cinema and I almost had a heart attack when herself suggested that we go to see U23D. You see, my better half is not a lover of U2 to put it mildly whereas I have been a fan ever since their appearance on Live Aid in 1985. I was positively salivating when I heard about the impending release of the movie to cinemas where as herself couldn't think of anything worse.

So perhaps you now understand my reaction when she suggested we go to see U23D.

As I later found out she thought the noise would bring on the birth (as I type we're now 3 days overdue) but it didn't happen and baby remained inside it's mothers womb without so much as a kick during the movie. Perhaps it's not a U2 fan like it's Mum? Daddy will be having words!:-)

Anyway, the movie. Well, It somehow doesn't feel right calling it a movie and to all intent and purposes, it isn't. It's basically a concert adapted for the big screen and I'm not complaining. Far from it in fact! Once you put on your 3D glasses the hair on your back rises (if you're unlucky enough like me to have some) and for a brief moment it almost feels like it's better than actually being at a U2 gig. It isn't of course but paying 15 quid to see the 'movie' then seems like good value. Nothing is for free these days and I presume the extra fiver is to cover the cost of the extremely uncomfortable 3D glasses given to you going into the cinema but awkward as they are, you dare not take them off once things start rolling!

Altogether I don't think you will be disappointed with U23D and if a non U2 fan like my wife to be is entertained by it then it's definitely worth a trip to your local cinema!