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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vroom Vroom!!!

Feast your eyes on a work of pure engineering genius ; The Bugatti Veyron.
As you can probably tell I am into cars and not just mega fast sports cars. If it looks good and performs well it has my vote and that goes for any car that fits my criteria. To be honest even if I had the money I don't think I would throw it at one of the above machines and why? Because it's scary! I'll explain....
A top speed of 252mph, capable once you retract the rear spoiler. 1000 brake horse power and a price tag of 2 million squids! I know of only one person in Ireland that has one and as far as I know he's a property developer from Limerick that coughed up the cash for one. By the way, 900,000k went on vehicle registration tax. And unless he's extremely brave or extremely stupid he won't be claiming that back off his VAT bill! I'm not sure how true this is but apparently each car costs 5 million STERLING to build so Bugatti are actually making a significant loss on these animals! They're reason for this is they just wanted to make the car purely for the achievement and in engineering terms boy have they achieved!
The best thing about this car is it passes all european emission regulations and you can drive one so long as you have a driving licence and posess more money than sense.
And, if you already hate Manchester United and Christiano Ronaldo then turn away - he's just ordered one!
Wayne Rooney should have sorted him out after the 2006 world cup!:-)