The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hello Baggot Street!!!

Shauna From Boots Baggot Street

Maria In Boots Baggot Street

Karen In Fas Baggot Street

The 'Prescription Girls' In Boots Baggot Street.

Christine In Paddy Power Baggot Street.

It's Gone!!!

Okay so it's only taken me 6 days to get this message up to say that the Triple Decker was won last friday! My brain seems to turn to mush when I'm presenting the show from The Roadhog and things like blogs don't get updated. My apologies.

Anyway, voice one was no other than Halle Berry! I know, it sounded nothing like her but we weren't going to make it easy for you now, were we?:-)

As soon as we get down to one voice on the current Triple Decker I'll start a new thread for guesses so keep checking up on the 10-3 show blog!


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Vroom Vroom!!!

Feast your eyes on a work of pure engineering genius ; The Bugatti Veyron.
As you can probably tell I am into cars and not just mega fast sports cars. If it looks good and performs well it has my vote and that goes for any car that fits my criteria. To be honest even if I had the money I don't think I would throw it at one of the above machines and why? Because it's scary! I'll explain....
A top speed of 252mph, capable once you retract the rear spoiler. 1000 brake horse power and a price tag of 2 million squids! I know of only one person in Ireland that has one and as far as I know he's a property developer from Limerick that coughed up the cash for one. By the way, 900,000k went on vehicle registration tax. And unless he's extremely brave or extremely stupid he won't be claiming that back off his VAT bill! I'm not sure how true this is but apparently each car costs 5 million STERLING to build so Bugatti are actually making a significant loss on these animals! They're reason for this is they just wanted to make the car purely for the achievement and in engineering terms boy have they achieved!
The best thing about this car is it passes all european emission regulations and you can drive one so long as you have a driving licence and posess more money than sense.
And, if you already hate Manchester United and Christiano Ronaldo then turn away - he's just ordered one!
Wayne Rooney should have sorted him out after the 2006 world cup!:-)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thank God It's Friday - So Say This Lot!

April And Crew Working In Tallaght

Raz In The Clonskeagh Branch Of Applegreen/

Victoria With One Of Her Patients In The Clontarf Pet Clinic. So What Seems To Be The Problem, Michael?

Don't forget to get your text in to us if you want to be beered and crunchied up this friday! Text 'bugs' followed by your company name and location to 53104, 20 cent per text.

It's A Baby!

You may or may not know that I'm about to become a father for the second time and we're so excited that we could collectively burst! Every monday we get an email from a website that gives us a progress report on how baby is developing. We always look forward to the weekly email and the first thing I do when I get to work on a monday morning is open my email and read all about our little one's journey.

Over the last few months they have been using various fruits and vegetables to describe the size of our baby inside the womb but in this weeks mail it tells us that our baby is now fully developed and ready to greet the world! I can't describe the rush of emotions I felt when I read that and I had to ask herself this morning "how did we get here?" It's our first baby together and although I've done this before it all seems, well, new somehow. What ever I knew the last time around either seems to have changed or maybe I didn't know it in the first place. Maybe it's because I'm a little more mature and maternal this time around than the previous time. I was scared stiff prior to my 7 year old son Aaron being born but all of that disappeared once he was born and even though I don't get to see him half as much as I would like to, we enjoy a fantastic relationship and share the same interests in music, cars and computer games:-)

So, here's what this weeks email said.....

Hello from BabyCenter! Congratulations! Your baby is full-term! This means that if your baby arrives now, his lungs should be fully mature and ready to adjust to life outside the womb, even though your due date is still three weeks away. He weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long.

By the way, even tthough the email refers to our child as a 'he', we still don't know the sex of our baby. Any body taking bets?:-)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Churchtown Calling!

All The Staff Of The Number 9 Newsagent In Churchtown.

Helen And Friend Get Ambushed By Our Claire. How Could You Refuse That Smile?:-)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Great Great Shopping Centre! Beetle Bugs Go To Northside Shopping Centre!

Michelle From Vision Opticians.

Robyn & Paul The Bossman From Game.

Triple Decker Guesses.

Here it is again, just so you don't have to go searching for it...

Ruby Wax
Kerry Katona
Janice Dickinson
Joan Rivers
Sarah Jessica Parker
Geri Halliwell
Suzi Quattro
Whoopi Goldberg
Courtney Love
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Michelle Rodriguez
Mel B
Courtney Cox
Lisa Kudrow
Jennifer Saunders
Rosie O'Donnell
Jenny McCarthy
Liv Tyler
John Travolta (in the movie hairspray)
Macy Gray
Brigette Nielsen
Gwen Stefani
Sandra Bernhard
Bette Midler
Reese Witherspoon
Liza Minelli
Goldie Hawn
Cybil Sheppard
Barbra Streisand
Grace Jones
Oprah Winfrey
Betty Ford
Brittany Murphy
Lindsay Lohan
Queen Latifah
Tara Reid
Pauline McLynne
Shirley McLane
Michelle Tilly
Kim Cattrall
Sarah Silverman
Roseanne Barr
Jodie Foster
Juliette Lewis
Dolly Parton
Nikki Graham
Rachel Rae
Kathleen Turner
Meryl Streep
Ellen DeGenres
Lacey Turner
Tyra Banks
Catherine Tate
Paula Abdul
Kirstie Alley
Calista Flockhart
Helena Bonham Carter
Hillary Clinton
Tara Palmer Tomkinson
Minnie Driver
Eva Longoria
Jane Fonda
Jane Eastwood
Kathy Moriarty
Tina Turner
Julia Roberts
Heather Locklear
Liv Olman
Joan Cusack
Joan Collins
Demi Moore
Sigourney Weaver
Sharon Maguire
Lucy Liu
Alicia Keys
Carol Burnett

Next round is worth 840 euro!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Surprise Surprise ; More Pictures!

Sarah Annnnd Sarah In Unicare!

Sarah From The Shoe Depot Charlestown Shopping Centre Get's Her Stuff.

Monday, February 11, 2008

This is one of those dreaded chain mails but let it be a reminder to us that those that we've loved and lost are watching over us.

A drunk man in an Oldsmobile They said had run the light That caused the six-car pileup On 109 that night. When broken bodies lay about And blood was everywhere, The sirens screamed out eulogies, For death was in the air. A mother, trapped inside her car, Was heard above the noise; Her plaintive plea near split the air: Oh, God, please spare my boys! She fought to loose her pinned hands; She struggled to get free, But mangled metal held her fast In grim captivity. Her frightened eyes then focused On where the back seat once had been, But all she saw was broken glass and Two children's seats crushed in. Her twins were nowhere to be seen; She did not hear them cry, And then she prayed they'd been thrownfree, Oh, God, don't let them die! Then firemen came and cut her loose, But when they searched the back, They found therein no little boys, But the seat belts were intact. They thought the woman had gone mad And was traveling alone, But when they turned to question her, They discovered she was gone. Policemen saw her running wild And screaming above the noise In beseeching supplication, Please help me find my boys! They're four years old and wear blueshirts; Their jeans are blue to match. One cop spoke up, They're in my car, And they don't have a scratch. They said their daddy put them there And gave them each a cone, Then told them both to wait for Mom To come and take them home. I've searched the area high and low, But I can't find their dad. He must have fled the scene, I guess, and that is very bad. The mother hugged the twins and said, While wiping at a tear, He could not flee the scene, you see, For he's been dead a year. The cop just looked confused and asked, Now, how can that be true? The boys said, Mommy, Daddy came And left a kiss for you. He told us not to worry And that you would be all right, And then he put us in this car with The pretty, flashing light. We wanted him to stay with us, Because we miss him so, But Mommy, he just hugged us tight And said he had to go. He said someday we'd understand And told us not to fuss, And he said to tell you, Mommy, He's watching over us. The mother knew without a doubt That what they spoke was true, For she recalled their dad's last words, I will watch over you. The firemen's notes could not explain The twisted, mangled car, And how the three of them escaped Without a single scar. But on the cop's report was scribed, In print so very fine, An angel walked the beat tonight on Highway 109. He who has a thousand friends has not afriend to spare. This morning when the Lord opened awindow to Heaven, He saw me, and he asked: "My child, whatis your greatest wish for today?" I responded: "Lord please, take care ofthe person who is reading this message, their family and their specialfriends. They deserve it and I love them very much. " This message works on the day you receiveit. Let us see if it is true ANGELS EXISTbut some times, since they don't all have wings, we call them FRIENDS.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Here There And Everywhere!

The Unicare Pharmacy Crew.

Dave, The Boss Man Of Dave Cullen Jewellers.

Rob With Mystery Redhead And Our Claire In Urban Outfitters Temple Bar

Where's Me Wii!? Smyths Airside Welcomes Our Bugs.

The Old Bawn Bread Shop Crew With Our Michael.

Friday, February 01, 2008

More Pictures!

Have You Enough Balloons? Bugs At UCD Commerce Day.

Claire Looks Vey Interested In This Lot.... They Must Be A Band! A Few UCD Dossers With Our 'Band Slut' Claire.

The Tom Flood Bookmakers Crew.

Ruth And Our Claire In Mace.

Sarah & Jane In The Offices Of