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Friday, January 05, 2007

Coming Back Down To Earth.....

I'm feeling a tad nostalgic today because I'm preparing for the final friday night at the club I've worked in for the last six and a half years, Earth in Drogheda or 'De Eeaaarrth' as the locals call it. And no, you can't buy a packeh a tayto or a tin o' coke there:-)

When I say final friday night what I mean is the final friday night in it's current (decrepid) state because once the doors close on sunday night the builders will be occupying the premises with the intention of demolishing what's there now and turning it into one of the most spectacular nightspots in Ireland!

Earth has been a clubbing institution for a generation of Drogheda and surrounding areas clubbers for the last twelve and a half years and the new club will ensure it stays that way for many years to come. No doubt many of the regulars who frequented the club during the 90's and have made way for their younger siblings will be joining us this weekend to reminisce and say goodbye to 'the aul kip':-)

My thanks to Nuala the original club manager, current manager Sandra, light jock Curly, bar manager Rory and club owner Vincent McDonald for having me in your fantastic club for the last six and a half years, I look forward to the next era of Earth and working with you all again sooner rather than later.