The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Triple Decker.....Major Clue!!!!

On friday I revealed that the 3rd voice is someone involved in movies. My advice is to go through all the extra features of your dvd's and see if you can identify who it is.

Let the scavenger hunt begin!!!!!!!!!:-)


Thursday, January 25, 2007

So It's Not An Actor.....

If you were listening yesterday you would have heard me saying that the 3rd Triple Decker voice is not an actor, does that help?:-)

We're up to 430euro today so this could be a nice little earner for you!

Join me to play at 1.30 this afternoon!


Wednesday, January 24, 2007

On Your (electric) Bike!:-)

Now here's a photo opportunity I couldn't miss! John 'the traitor' Mc Donagh poses on one of the electric bikes that we have to give away this week. I use the term 'traitor' as John deserted the Bugs last week to pursue a career in FM104 sales, hence the cheap tin of fruit. Only joking John, all the best in your new position:-)
Perhaps the electric bike is John's company vehicle???

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Best Joke Of The Year So Far!!!

Thanks to Keith Proudfoot for this gem:-)

One day, in line at the works cafeteria, Jack says to Mike behind him "My elbow hurts like hell. I suppose I'd better see a doctor!" "Listen, don't waste your time down at the surgery," Mike replies. "There's a diagnostic computer at Tesco. Just give it a urine sample and the computer will tell you what's wrong, and what to do about it. It takes ten seconds and only costs five quid.....a lot quicker and better than a doctor, and you get Club card points"

. So Jack collects a urine sample in a small jar and takes it to Tesco. He deposits five pounds and the computer lights up and asks for the urine sample. He pours the sample into the slot and waits. Ten seconds later, the computer ejects a printout: "You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water and avoid heavy activity. It will improve in two weeks".

That evening while thinking how amazing this new technology was, Jack began wondering if the computer could be fooled. He mixed some tap water, a stool sample from his dog, urine samples from his wife and daughter, and "pleasured himself" into the mixture> > for good measure. Jack hurried back to Tesco, eager to check what would happen. He deposits five pounds, pours in his concoction, and awaits the results. The computer prints the following:> 1) Your tap water is too hard. Get a water softener.> 2) Your dog has ringworm. Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.> 3) Your daughter has a cocaine habit. Get her into rehab. 4) Your wife is pregnant. Twins. They aren't yours. Get a lawyer. 5) And if you don't stop playing with yourself, your elbow will never> get better.....

Thank you for shopping at Tesco.>

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Triple Decker

Just so you don't waste your opportunity to win the cash if you're lucky enough to get through, here is the mosty popular guesses so far.....

Mel Gibson
Tim Allen
George Clooney
Christian Slater
Donald Sutherland
Jeff Goldblum

I may give a clue on friday so keep an ear out and keep trying!


Monday, January 08, 2007

Mondays Holiday Song - Sneaky Sneaky:-)

Listen out for Snap "Rhythm Is A Dancer " for your chance to win a holiday to Egypt!

Need I say more?



Friday, January 05, 2007

Coming Back Down To Earth.....

I'm feeling a tad nostalgic today because I'm preparing for the final friday night at the club I've worked in for the last six and a half years, Earth in Drogheda or 'De Eeaaarrth' as the locals call it. And no, you can't buy a packeh a tayto or a tin o' coke there:-)

When I say final friday night what I mean is the final friday night in it's current (decrepid) state because once the doors close on sunday night the builders will be occupying the premises with the intention of demolishing what's there now and turning it into one of the most spectacular nightspots in Ireland!

Earth has been a clubbing institution for a generation of Drogheda and surrounding areas clubbers for the last twelve and a half years and the new club will ensure it stays that way for many years to come. No doubt many of the regulars who frequented the club during the 90's and have made way for their younger siblings will be joining us this weekend to reminisce and say goodbye to 'the aul kip':-)

My thanks to Nuala the original club manager, current manager Sandra, light jock Curly, bar manager Rory and club owner Vincent McDonald for having me in your fantastic club for the last six and a half years, I look forward to the next era of Earth and working with you all again sooner rather than later.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yeah Yeah I Know That Christmas Is Over But...

I know there are those of you that just want it all to go away and don't need reminding of Christmas and then there are those like me that wish it was still December 25th ; that's what happens to you when you become a parent, you start to enjoy it all again:-)

The following is an email I received last week from Karie Grant, a regular listener to the show and it's for those of you that always say"oh I don't want anything for christmas"A little tip on how you might use your offer of a Christmas present in both a constructive and creative way....


I pray this blesses your hearts as it did mine. It's a beautiful story......

The White Envelope It's just a small white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years or so.

It all began because my husband, Mike, hated Christmas -- oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it...the overspending, the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma -- the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else. Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties, and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way. Our son, Kevin, who was 12 that year, was wrestling at the junior level at the school he attended. Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church. These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.

As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford. Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his tatters with false bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn't acknowledge defeat. Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish just one of them could have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them."

Mike loved kids -- all kids -- and he knew them, having coached little league football, baseball, and lacrosse. That's when the idea for his present came. That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church. On Christmas Eve, I placed the envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done and that this was his gift from me. His smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year and in succeeding years.

For each Christmas, I followed the tradition -- one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on. The envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning, and our children, ignoring their new toys, would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal its contents. As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the envelope never lost its allure. The story doesn't end there. You see, we lost Mike last year due to cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree, and in the morning it was joined by three more. Each of our children, unbeknownst to the others, had placed an envelope on the tree for their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing around the tree with wide-eyed anticipation watching as their fathers take down the envelope. Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit, will always be with us. May we all remember Christ, who is the reason for the season, and the true Christmas spirit this year and always. God Bless! -- pass this along to friends and loved ones whom you know are givers who understand the true meaning of Christmas.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had a tradition like this.....

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Todays Holiday Song!

Now I won't be doing this every day but since I'm trying to make it up to you all today for ignoring my blog for the last few weeks I will today:-)

Todays holiday song is "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley.

When you hear it be caller 104 on 6797104 and good luck!


Ooops, Am I Still Welcome Around Here???

I'm so ashamed! As I opened up my blog this morning I discovered to my horror that I hadn't posted to it since December 13th!!! Looks like my blog holiday lasted about the same amount of time as the average Govenment Ministers does ; oh wait, they're not back yet! I'll be back in 2 weeks so!!!


So since I've been a lazy b*%^%"d for the last few weeks I'd better make up for last time and wish you all a Happy Christmas and a fantastic 2007 - I didn't even post a christmas greeting... can I ever be forgiven??? Am I grovelling too much???:-)

Seriously though, I don't know how people maintain Bebo's, My Space, Blogs and life in general all at once! You have my admiration all you multimedia nutjobs.

I've got a rake of Beetle Bug photos in my archive to post a little later today so if the Bugs were with you recently your photo could well be up here at some point today. Don't be worrying, you're all looking fantastic!

Later so
