The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Fridays Clue....

She's been referred to as a "whiny canadian b***h"

That's all you're getting out of me today:-)


Friday stuff!!!

I don't know why I get so excited about friday because I work all weekend! I suppose I could say that for those of you that are off this weekend, I'm happy that it's friday. Grrrr:-)

As you know by now FM104's Beetle Bugs do the TGIF thing every friday and since we have the 10 - 3 show blog up and running, I'll be postiong every friday morning with details of where the Buggles will be bringing their friday cheer to.

And this weeks recipients are...

DHL Malahide Road
Vincent Flanagan Auctioneers, Dundrum
Shelbourne Dental Practice

Be talking to you all later and if you fancy a TGIF visit in the next few weeks from the Beetles, text the word "bugs" along with your company name, address and a contact name to 53104.

More later:-)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursdays Clue - You May Need It.....

Well worth your while checking out the blog every day for the "Who Am I" clue, and today is no exception me friends:-)

Today's "Who Am I" is known to some as "King Monkey"

I'm a bit reluctant to give any more clues to the "Triple Decker" because I want this one to go the distance. Voice one has been guessed correctly (leonardo di caprio from the beach) and all I can do at this stage is remind you that voice two and three are taken from movies.... Sorry:-)

Might be talking to you on air this afternoon at either 1.30 or 2.30:-)


Do Your Bit For Charideeee!

To Whom it May Concern,

Hi my name is Stephen Pender from the Dublin Fire Brigade, I am on the board of the charity SOS (Suicide or Survive). On Saturday the 29th July we are organizing an event in which approximately 25 teams of four will have to complete four challenges on the DART line in any order in the quickest time.

The four challenges are:

Climb Bray Head
Assault course in Fairview park
Get your feet wet at seapoint
Karaoke song at Dun Laoghaire harbour

It costs 200 euro a team, and sponsorship cards are available from Stephen at 086-8111176.

The event starts and finishes at MacTurcaills pub , Tara Street, party after event finishes , great prizes to be won.

It would be much appreciated if you could publicize this event on your radio station.

Suicide or Survive's (SOS) primary aim is suicide prevention. We intend to achieve this aim through the provision of a small group programme for people who have either attempted suicide or have suicidal ideation. We also aim to provide subsidised counselling and psychotherapy for anyone affected by suicide including family members, friends and the wider community.

Thank you for your kind support.

Stephen Pender

Sounds like a good day out for a worthy cause to me.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Take That Day!!!!!!!:-)

Ah yes, the best boyband EVER bring their show to the RDS tonight and todays 10 - 3 show is coming to you from the FM104 Roadhog, just outside Paddy Cullens in Ballsbridge. It's all quiet at the moment but you just know that it's going to be bedlam here later!!!:-)

Todays "Who Am I" clue..... I am known to my family as "Rod"

Enjoy the gig tonight!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

FM104's Triple Decker - This May Help....

Right so, a brand new Triple Decker this afternoon. Here's a hint....

All three voices have been taken from three movies.

More to come over the next few days:-)


Fore!!! It's all about the golf....

So, you really want this weeks prize but you haven't a clue who todays "Who Am I" is? Okaaay....

Todays who am I played bass guitar with a band called Dogstar during the 90's.

It's over to you:-)

I'll have a new Triple Decker at 1.30 and I may just drop a clue or two here before it airs....


Monday, June 26, 2006

A Clue.....

I did promise so.....

The lady in question was played on the 10 - 3 show...

And no, I won't be publishing my playlist!:-)


A New Week - And The Rain Returns To Celebrate:-/

Oh dear, we seem to be back to old ways with the weather. The upside is I actually got some sleep last night - there hasn't been much of that lately what with the warm conditions! And yes, it's just been the weather that's been keeping me awake! Don't be cheeky:-)

Anyways, this weeks show is brought to you by The Golf Creche @ Dundrum Town Centre and they are really looking after us this week, bless them:-)

Daily Prize ; 150euro worth of golf lessons including golf software to practise at home with.

Overall Prize ; We'll have not one but THREE overall winners, each will win the latest mens/ladies customised drivers along with an additional three golf lessons in The Golf Creche, Dundrum.

We'll be playing FM104's "Who Am I" and I may be back throughout the course of the day with the odd clue.....:-) So check back regularly!!!


Friday, June 23, 2006

A clue.... as if you needed one!!!

Todays "Footballes wife" is actually a "Footballers fiancee"

How easy can I make it!!!?

Be listening at around 2.45 to see if you wimn our overall prize with thanks to Samsara and Mandala Spa!

Hello and welcome!!!!

Welcome to the new blog for the 10 to 3 show with me Andy Preston on FM104. Make sure and check back for updates on the show!!