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Friday, December 05, 2008

13 Years Ago Today....

This day 13 years ago, I became an FM104 jock! I may have the worst short term memory in the world but I remember that day very clearly.

A few days previous to December 5th 1995, a friend who was working in FM104 sales hinted that management at FM104 might be interested in me joining the company. I agreed to put a demo together but didn't think much of it since back then none of the 'legal' stations seemed interested in taking in any of the eager pirate radio DJ's. But what's the harm in trying I thought and in I trotted to the stations old headquarters in Ballast House on the corner of Westmoreland Street.

I handed the demo in for the attention of the Deputy Programe Director, Dave Kelly, and headed home to present the drivetime show on Hot 107. Which, just happened to broadcast from the garden shed in my dad's back garden.

Next morning my phone rings and it's the afforementioned Dave Kelly on the line - "do you fancy popping in for a chat, Andy", asks Dave. Absolutely! I said. So I jumped on to the 123 bus and wondered what exactly Dave meant by a 'chat'.... I would soon find out.

Tara at FM104 reception asked me to wait for Dave and duly he came out to greet me. I have to admit I was nervous as hell but Dave's trademark firm handshake immediately put me at ease and as we continued to his office while Guns 'n' Roses 'Appetite For Destruction' album played in the background, we had a 'chat'. I later worked out the reason why Dave was playing Axl and the crew so loudly - so as prying ears wouldn't pick up on our conversation. Those 'prying ears' would have had the news out to radio land that Andy Preston was about to join FM104 faster than the average Sky News reporter!

As Dave and I chatted I began to feel even more at ease in his company. He's a very amiable guy and I'm very glad that my first big radio break was in his hands. He has never failed to support me through thick and thin down through the years and I hope I have managed to deliver what he expects of me. The first thing I noticed about Dave was his passion for FM104 - The Radio Station. Dave, who a few years later progressed to being our programme director and remains so, loves the product - that product being FM104. He genuinly cares about the radio station and doesn't view it as a stepping stone to greater things. He's happy with his lot and if given the chance, he'll stick at what he is doing until the last gasp of breath leaves his body. It's his radio station, not the shareholders and he's bloody right!

And, if you don't share his vision for FM104 well let me tell you that you won't last long with the company. Perhaps that's why I have lasted 13 years, because I get what it is all about.

End result of our meeting that day, I was to become the new sunday morning breakfast show host between 6 and 9 - my first proper job in radio! It came at a price though, my beloved Hot 107 would have to go. I was caretaking the radio station for it's owner Gary Cruise, and when I told him that I was going to work for FM104 he was genuinely happy for me, but what would become of the radio station. As it happened another station owner agreed to purchase the station from Gary and it moved to a different location.

I made my first broadcast for FM104 on sunday December 17th not realising that 13 years later I would still be a part of the crew. When I joined I was the youngest on air jock, now I'm one of the oldest!:)

It struck me this morning as I jumped into the car to make my way to the station that I never complain about having to get up out of bed in the morning to come to work - in fact I don't even class it as a job, for me it's a labour of love. I'm lucky to have experienced more highs than low's during my time here and I thank my lucky stars every day for the wonderful position that I have been blessed with.

I guess you never know what's around the corner in radio but if it all ended tomorrow I couldn't complain, I've had 13 successful years at the number 1 radio station in the city - not bad going:)

Thanks Dave for the opportunity and thank you for listening!
