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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

(Don't) Turn Up The Bass!

Kanye West blew up a studio mixing desk after playing his new album too loudly, according to Keane's Tim Rice-Oxley.

Rice-Oxley blogged on Keane's website that the band were in the studio with West when the incident happened.

The blog said: "What a strange week in the life of Keane. Exactly a week ago I was sitting on the Eurostar in a half-sleep, having just played the last gig of our European tour in Paris, and then I spent the entire night in the studio with Kanye West. He played us the whole of his new album, which sounded truly awesome - the bass was so fat that eventually the mixing desk blew up."

Rice-Oxley also said that West had praised him on his lyrics to 'Spiralling', the opening track on Keane's new album 'Perfect Symmetry'. Rice-Oxley also revealed that the rapper had reworked one of Keane's songs.

He wrote: "I was especially pleased when he picked out a line from 'Spiralling' ("When we fall in love, we're just falling in love with ourselves") as being a personal favourite, as it's my favourite line I've ever written. Hurrah.

"Then Kanye did some work on one of our tracks, and after that I sat in a corner and watched him do his thing on a song for Jamie Foxx. The whole thing was a real privilege and I learned a lot. I wish I had Kanye's energy...and his dress sense!"