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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Power To The People.

I don't talk politics on the 10-3 show, it's not what my listeners expect or appreciate. There are enough radio and TV programes out there discussing the woes of the country so leave them to it I say. Given our listening figures you seem to agree.

So, my blog is my little island of refuge for all that occupies my inner thoughts. And at least if you decide to surf away from my blogger I won't be losing your patronage to FM104:-)

I was always of the opinion that the arrogance of a government held no bounds. It's our way or the highway you worthless peasants. It hasn't happened often over the years that public opinion has managed to sway a decision, be it budgetary or to do with new laws. What we witnessed yesterday in Brian Cowen's embarrassing climbdown on the medical card for the elderly wasn't down to Biffo suddenly acquiring a conscience - he made the move to save his job! And while it is estimated that 95% of the over 70's will now not be subjected to means testing, that still leaves 5% of the elderly that have worked all their lives and, might I add, paid extortonate amounts of tax during the 70's and 80's when up to 76 pence out of every pound earned went to Mr. Taxman! My father is not far off his 70th birthday and I want him to be able to enjoy his twilight years without him having to worry about medical bills , as I am sure every other person with parents or relatives of a certain age feels. Last tuesdays budget was a painful kick in the teeth to the vulnerable of our society and pensioners and minimum wage earners had every right to feel aggrieved.

My point is the absolute disgust that last weeks decision was met with by all elements of society proved that we the people who elect the powers that be can still make a difference - all it takes is a little shouting. And these last 7 days we used our voices in unison!

Be proud.