The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Check It Out!

Baby Darragh Popped Into The Studio On Saturday Afternoon To Congratulate His Daddy On His Award. Awww, Bless:-)

Me And My Award:-)

Well, there it is. And I wasn't even there to accept it. The boss got to take the walk up on stage to accept the award on my behalf, probably to a barrage of "Jesus Buddy" or "Buddy Shut Up" from the assembled masses of radioland. He takes it all on the chin - sometimes:-)

In all seriousness though, the moment I was told that I had won the PPI award for best music driven show compares to the moment that I was told that I was a part of the FM104 team way back in 1995. It's an award that's presented to the individual or party on behalf of your peers in the business of radio and music, which makes it all the more overwhelming for me to have been picked for this years award. Especially when I look at the people that I was up against in the category. It still hasn't quite sunk in.

My sincere thanks to Pat Gill from FM104 production for somehow managing to cobble together an audio package that endeared itself to the judges and helped to land me my first PPI award. Reckon you can do it again next year???