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Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Sssscary Story.....

If you have a fear of snakes well unfortunately this story will make you worse. From an email my other half sent me recently.....

I have a story for you & I swear this is true!!

Antoinette's friend Marie was telling her this about her sister in law that lives in Liverpool. They have no children so they decided to buy a python (weird I know!). Anyway, this python was allowed to roam around the house freely rather than being caged in a glass box.

After a couple of months the snake stopped eating & they couldn't figure out why because they were using the same food as always & tried changing what they were feeding it but it still wouldn't eat anything so they decided to bring it to the vet.

When they brought it to the vet he asked what they had been feeding it & they told him they had been feeding it birds & mice & all the other disgusting stuff that snakes eat so the vet started doing tests on the snake. He couldn't find anything pysically wrong with the snake & couldn't understand why it was starving itself.

In a final bid to find out what was going wrong he asked the woman had the snake been acting any differently over the weeks it had been starving itself & she told him that the only difference in it's behaviour was that it had started sleeping stretched out rather than in a coil like he used to. The vet was horrified & told the lady that he was very sorry but he'd have to put the snake down. The woman was distraught and asked what was wrong with the snake & why he'd have to put it down, he told her that the reason the snake had been sleeping stretched out was because it was sizing itself up to eat her and her husband!!!! It was stretching itself to their size so that after it choked them to death it could fit their whole bodies inside itself & that was why it had been starving itself so it wouldn't get too full while it was eating them.

I swear this is true, when Antoinette told me I couldn't believe it! Imagine they hadn't taken it to the vet - they'd be dead!!!