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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spurs Are On Their Way To Wembley!:-)

Well there's something I never thought I would get to say again! February 24th sees Tottenham Hotspur return to Wembley, our spiritual home during the glory days - days that have long since passed unfortunately. One can but hope though...

Watching the game wasn't an option last night unfortunately as herself was at home but I had updates coming through every few minutes and at one point the updates were coming every few seconds such was the drama towards the end!

If it were not for the fact that we're due our baby around the time of the final I would be over there like a shot but it would be just my luck to get a call from herself in the middle of the match saying that she has just gone into labour! I'll spend that sunday afternoon shouting at the telly and keeping every moveable part of my body crossed!

Come on you Spurs!!!