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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Can You Help?

I got this email this morning and my heart goes out to this poor broke student. Maybe you can shed some light on the missing boxers? Read on....

Hi Andy

Hopingthatoneof your listeners will be able to help me. It's my little brothers 19th Birthday on Thursday and as he is under a lot of pressure at school so I wanted to get him something special that he would like and use and that would hopefully cheer him up a little.

I bought him a pair of Ralph Lauren boxers in Brown Thomas on my lunch break on today (Monday). On the way home from college at around 330 I was in Dunnes in Rathmines, where I believe I left them at the self service checkout. Im a student myself and usually if I can get a present for 10-15e Im doing well. I just wanted to get him something nice, I am not a labels person wat so ever ... but they wern't for me.

Im pleading with your listeners for the return of the boxers Ralph Lauren Size L boxers Brown Thomas bag. I can't afford to buy him another pair. I know that it is so silly to get so upset about material things when you think about all the pain that is in the world as it is, but I know that he would have used them. I've checked everywhere at home, rang the shop went into the shop.... but no joy.

I have compulsory lectures in the mornings but I told the girl at the customer services desk that I would check again in a few days on the off chance that someone would return them.
Thanks so much for your help
Heather Huston

I have Heathers number so if you have any info email me -

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Shop Around For Your Petrol!

My blood boils every time I pass the notorious Statoil garage on the quays, I'm sure you know the one I am talking about. As soon as there is a sniff of petrol and diesel prices going up, they increase their price by 5 cent. Of course they would have already bought their fuel at the previous price but hey, who cares! Funny thing is the garage in question was one of the cheapest in Dublin 3 years ago. I lived in Islandbridge for a year and used to fill up there all the time! So I don't believe the story they put around that it's down to their suppliers as to why their prices are so high.

Anyway, my reason for mentioning this is that a website has been brought to my attention recently that lists the cheapest garages around the country for petrol and diesel. Shopping around for your fuel may seem pointless to some but why should you give greedy bastards like the Statoil crowd on the Quays any more of your hard earned money than you should have to?