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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Don't Read This If You Have A Weak Stomach!!!

It may sound like it could be fun to some of you sick people but I could feel the blood rushing through me while I was reading this - wince!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-(

An Indian businessman born with two penises wants one of them removed surgically because he wants to marry and lead a normal sexual life. The 24-year-old man from the northern state of Uttar Pradesh admitted himself to a New Delhi hospital last week with an extremely rare medical condition called penile duplication or diphallus. The surgery was expected to be challenging as both organs were well-formed and full blood supply to the retained penis had to be ensured to allow it to function normally. Two fully functional penises is unheard of even in medical literature. In the more common form of diphallus, one organ is rudimentary. There are about 100 such reported cases of diphallus around the world and it is known to occur among one in 5.5 million men…

Wouldn’t it be better to transplant one penis onto the end of the other?