The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Taking You Out!!!!!!

Vodafone are with us this week on the 10 - 3 show and every day this week we're giving you the chance to win VIP tickets to see Franz Ferdinand play live in a "secret" city centre location. I know it's a cheesy phrase but how cool is that!!!?:-)

Here's how the mechanic will work.....

Every hour I will ask a question and you must answer one of them in order to get into the draw.The added advantage for bloggers is that I will post all 5 questions here before I announce them on air, thus giving you the choice to answer what ever question you want!

So, here are todays questions....

1) Who headlined Oxegen this year on sunday night?
2) What year did Live Aid take place?
3) What act played in Marley Park last thursday (august 18th) ?
4) In what city did U2 make their famous rooftop performance?

All you have to do is answer one of those questions and you're in todays draw for VIP tickets to see Franz Ferdinand so text 53104 or email

See you at the gig, with a bit of luck!