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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Where's Granny???

Given the current weather conditions, I thought this might serve as a reminder to at least leave the air con switched on in the car for your passengers:-)

GRANDMA LEFT IN HOT CAR… A 97-year-old woman is recovering in a Burlington, Canada hospital after she was left alone in a hot car for almost an hour during the worst heat wave of summer while her family went shopping. Phyllis Arnott can’t return to her home. A passerby called emergency services Saturday afternoon at about 4 p.m. after noticing the woman alone in the back seat of a car for more than 30 minutes in a Wal-Mart car park. Arnott was incoherent and dehydrated by the time emergency crews arrived. Said Arnott’s 36-year-old granddaughter, Kimberly Bouclair: “We do love her. It’s not like we meant to do it. It was an accident… we just didn’t think.”…

I would have thought 97 years was enough time to learn how to open a car door, but maybe that’s just me.