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Monday, July 24, 2006

A Lucky Escape!

From the Daily Mail website...

Two killed as giant bouncy castle lifts offTwo people have been killed and several injured after an inflatable sculpture, half the size of a football pitch, blew free from its moorings. Some of those involved were inside the artwork, which has connected rooms, when it lifted off at Chester-le-Street's Riverside in County Durham.

The reason I mention this is because myself and herself visit Newcastle quite often, owing to the fact that her sister lives there with her husband and her two beautiful little girls. So, when we were asked to look after the girls for the weekend we jumped at the chance. So on saturday afternoon we set off for Metroland, a giant indoor version of Funderland without the smell of candyfloss ever present:-) On the way there we passed by the Chester-le-street park and spotted the bouncy castle mentioned above which our five year old niece was mesmerized by, naturally enough. So, just to keep her happy we said we'd pop in on our way home. By the time we left Metroland the girls were shattered and were missing their mum and dad who had arrived home by now so we headed straight for home. So then yesterday morning we flew back to Dublin and to the sight on the news of the gigantic bouncy castle blowing away in the wind! To say that we almost died is putting in mildly as thoughts of "what if" entered our minds. As it happened my sister in law to be and niece visited the cinema instead of the park so sighs of relief all round!

What a horrible tragedy on what was supposed to be a day out for families, my thought are with those that were affected by this sad event.