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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cheap (ish) Fuel!

I had a rant on this very blog a number of months back about a certain garage on The Quays (i'm sure you know the one) that, at the time, was charging something like 50 cent more per litre for petrol and diesel than the average Dublin garage. So imagine my surprise when I noticed that said garage now appears to be the CHEAPEST garage in the city for petrol and diesel!

I ditched my petrol guzzling car last year for a more economical diesel model and what happened shortly after? Diesel became more expensive than petrol! The experts say that it is not a concerted effort on behalf of the fuel companies to rub it in with diesel drivers and cash in on the mass changeover to diesel vehicles, but I have my suspicions.

So, my advice is to shop around and buy your fuel as cheaply as possible. See above for my recommendation:-)
