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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cover Up!!!

A naked American tourist raised eyebrows when he went for a walk through a German city and told police he thought this was acceptable behaviour in Germany. Police in the city of Nuremberg said, "The man said he thought walking around naked was tolerated in Germany." The 41-year-old was carrying his clothes in a bag when police stopped him after complaints from pedestrians…

This is exactly like a bad dream I keep having!


In Tenino, Washington, a police officer who demonstrated his Taser by zapping a willing subject in the genitals has drawn a warning from his bosses. Officer Randy Reynolds ran into trouble when video of the incident was posted on The unidentified man wasn't injured, and onlookers can be heard laughing in the background. Reynolds had been attending a social gathering, but was in uniform and on his way to work at the time. The man repeatedly asked Reynolds to use the weapon on him, and Reynolds eventually obliged - twice. Reynolds, 30, will receive a formal reprimand in his personnel file and a warning not to misuse police equipment. He also must review the department's Taser policy and go over them with an instructor…

Talk about your hot roasted nuts.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My Saviour!!!

Ok, I know what you're thinking. It's a photo of a train. I was getting confused looks from the boarding passengers as I stopped to take a photo of this most un-attractive Arrow commuter train this afternoon. Unappreciative fools, every last one of them!
I'll explain.....
I decided to pay homage to this reliable little baby after the pure mess that greeted motorists inbound to Dublin this morning on the N7 motorway. Like thousands of others I commute from Kildare, Newbridge to be exact, every morning and the propect of two hours plus stuck in traffic does not appeal to me one bit. That two hours turned to close on three to four hours for the poor unfortunates that had to brave the new outlay at the Red Cow roundabout which came into effect from this morning (1/5/07) From the comfort of the train I listened to the traffic reports and tried to calm my up to ninty fiance via text as she averaged a speed of 5km every ten minutes! Again the ugly issue of the capitals traffic problem was brought to the forefront this morning as the working population went slowly mad.
My solution? Get the train if it's possible to from where you live. Some people look at me like I have ten heads when I tell them that I commute to work via the train every morning. "You have a car, why do you bother?" is the usual question. This mornings traffic says all I need to say on that issue.
Oh, do keep me a seat if I've managed to sell my idea to you:-)