The Blog of Andy Preston's FM104 10 - 3 Show Check it out for up-to-date info on the show!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Win The House!!!

Well, it's started.The biggest giveaway ever on Irish radio bar none and the response so far has been pretty amazing, thank you for making it such a pleasure to play!

Of course it's no surprise that everybody wants to win, ask anybody who has tried in vain to buy a house in Dublin or anywhere for that matter about the grief you have to go through to get a mortgage. I spent most of last year doing so and wouldn't wish the experience on anybody.

Then of course there's the person that can't even contemplate buying a house because prices are so high. A student, someone in a job that doesn't exactly pay a decent wage, perhaps a separated person that had to give up the family home after a painful break up. Maybe a young couple about to have their first child, perhaps their second or third child. If this is you I urge you to take part in our competition, I know it would be a proud moment for all of us in FM104 to hand the house over to a person that desperately needs it.

Oh by the way, for the person that asked me to put up yesterdays (19/2/07) celebrities, they were Jack Nicholson and Jennifer Lopez:-)

Good Luck Y'all!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Triple Decker Update....

I'm keeping a log of the guesses so far but every body seems to be coming up with the same answer for voice 2 - Simon Cowell! Michael Caine was another popular guess yesterday but wrong also!

I'll put up the list of guesses so far in the next few days so stick with it and play this afternoon at 1.30:-)


The Irish Football Team On The Way Home From San Marino....

Budgets must really be tight at the FAI, or as we suspect, Roy Keane was right all along???